Split Infinitives

Split Infinitives: 6 Bold Strategies to Master Your Grammatical Choices

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Split Infinitives


Among the myriad of rules governing the English language, few have sparked as much debate as using split infinitives. Once shunned by purists, this grammatical construction has found its way into the heart of English expression, exemplified by the iconic phrase “to boldly go where no man has gone before.” The controversy surrounding split infinitives stretches back centuries, with roots deeply entrenched in a desire to mold English grammar in the likeness of Latin—a language without the capacity for splitting infinitives.

Today, the discussion around split infinitives is not about right or wrong but about understanding the flexibility and nuance they bring to English. This blog post aims to delve into the nature of split infinitives, charting their contentious history and highlighting their acceptance and utility in contemporary language. Through this exploration, we seek insights into when and how split infinitives can enhance or detract from writing, providing writers with informed choices in their stylistic toolkit. Let’s journey through the linguistic landscape of split infinitives, unraveling their mysteries and discovering their potential to enrich our prose.

Part 1: Unpacking the Split Infinitive

Definition and Examples

A split infinitive occurs when an adverb or other word is inserted between “to” and the verb in an infinitive form, creating constructions like “to boldly go” instead of “to go boldly.” This structure allows for nuanced emphasis and rhythm that the unsplit form can’t consistently achieve.
Example: “to carefully consider” implies a different nuance than “to consider carefully,” with the former emphasizing the manner of considering.

Historical Context

The aversion to split infinitives is a relatively recent phenomenon in the long history of the English language, emerging prominently in the 19th century. This rule was born out of an attempt to align English more closely with the grammatical structure of Latin, in which it is impossible to split an infinitive due to its single-word form. Influential grammarians and writers of the time, seeking to lend English a greater sense of propriety and logic, advocated for a more Latinate structure, thus casting split infinitives into disfavor.

Contemporary Views

The rigid prohibition against split infinitives has significantly relaxed in modern English usage. Leading style guides and linguists now acknowledge the validity and sometimes necessity of splitting infinitives for clarity, emphasis, or rhythm.
Example: The Chicago Manual of Style and the Associated Press Stylebook, among others, have softened their stance on split infinitives, allowing their use when they enhance the sentence or convey a specific meaning more effectively.

Modern examples abound in respected writing and media, demonstrating that split infinitives have carved out their rightful place in English. From literature to journalism, these constructions are employed not just for stylistic flair but for their unparalleled capacity to convey precision in expression.

Part 2: The Case for Split Infinitives

Clarity and Emphasis

One of the strongest arguments favoring split infinitives is their ability to add clarity and emphasis to a sentence. By inserting an adverb directly before the verb, writers can precisely indicate how, why, when, or to what extent an action is performed, thereby enhancing the sentence’s meaning and the reader’s understanding.


  • Without Split Infinitive: “She promised to apologize sincerely.”
  • With Split Infinitive: “She promised to sincerely apologize.”

In the second example, the adverb ‘sincerely’ emphasizes the manner of the apology in a way that the unsplit infinitive does not, making the speaker’s intention clearer.

Rhythm and Sound

The rhythm and flow of a sentence are crucial in both prose and poetry. Split infinitives can contribute to the auditory reading experience, creating a pace and tempo that align with the writer’s intent and enhance the reader’s engagement.


  • “To boldly go where no man has gone before.”

The split infinitive ‘to boldly go’ creates a rhythm and emphasis that has resonated through decades, demonstrating the power of split infinitives to impact sound and flow in memorable ways.

Flexibility in Expression

Split infinitives allow writers to express complex ideas and nuances concisely and powerfully. This linguistic tool provides for a range of expressions that might be awkward or cumbersome to achieve otherwise.


  • “The company aims to more efficiently allocate resources.”

Here, ‘to more efficiently allocate’ precisely conveys the manner and goal of the allocation process, showcasing the split infinitive’s capacity for nuanced expression.

Part 3: Navigating Formal and Informal Contexts

Formal Writing

While the acceptance of split infinitives has grown, their use in formal writing still requires careful consideration. Traditional norms often prevail in academic, legal, and specific professional contexts, and avoiding split infinitives may align more closely with the expected style and tone.

Strategies for Formal Writing:

  • Reword sentences to maintain the traditional structure without losing meaning or clarity.
  • Prioritize clarity and reader understanding over strict adherence to traditional rules if a split infinitive significantly enhances the sentence.

Informal Writing and Speech

In informal contexts—such as creative writing, emails, blogs, and conversations—the split infinitive can be a powerful tool for conveying personality, emphasis, and nuance. The flexibility and directness of split infinitives often make them the preferred choice in these settings.


  • “I decided to quickly finish the project so we could move on.”

Knowing Your Audience

Understanding your audience and your communication’s purpose should inform the decision to use or avoid split infinitives. Audience expectations can vary widely, and what is considered precise and engaging in one context may be viewed as informal or incorrect in another.


  • Consider the expectations and preferences of your audience when choosing to use split infinitives.
  • When in doubt, opt for clarity and effectiveness of communication over strict adherence to grammatical norms.

Part 4: Practical Application and Guidelines

As we navigate the nuanced landscape of English grammar, the split infinitive stands out as an exceptionally versatile tool, offering both challenges and opportunities for expressive communication. Here are some practical tips and guidelines to help writers use split infinitives effectively:

When to Split

  • For Clarity: Opt for a split infinitive when it makes the sentence more transparent or the meaning more precise. Splitting the infinitive can often be the best solution if the adverb’s placement elsewhere leads to ambiguity or awkwardness.
  • For Emphasis: Use a split infinitive to highlight the action or to emphasize how, when, or why it’s performed. This can add depth and focus to your writing.
  • For Rhythm: Consider the auditory quality of your sentence. Splitting an infinitive might create a more pleasing or impactful rhythm that aligns with your overall message or tone.

Examples and Exercises

Exercise 1: Identify sentences where a split infinitive might improve clarity or emphasis and rewrite them accordingly.

Exercise 2: Convert sentences with split infinitives to their unsplit form. Evaluate the impact on clarity, emphasis, and rhythm.


  • Original: “We aim to fully understand your needs.”
  • Rewritten Without Split Infinitive: “We aim fully to understand your needs.”
  • Evaluation: The original sentence with the split infinitive is more precise and natural, emphasizing the completeness of the understanding.


The journey through the realm of split infinitives reveals a landscape rich with linguistic diversity and the potential for expressive depth. Far from mere grammatical curiosity, the split infinitive is a testament to the English language’s flexibility and capacity to adapt to the nuances of human thought and expression.

Recap of Key Points

  • The split infinitive has evolved from a contentious grammatical figure to a recognized and valued component of modern English, offering clarity, emphasis, and rhythm to our sentences.
  • Its use, while historically debated, is now accepted mainly in both informal and formal contexts, guided by considerations of clarity and audience expectations.
  • The decision to employ a split infinitive should be informed by the needs of the sentence and the message it intends to convey, balancing grammatical tradition with the demands of effective communication.

Encouragement for Flexibility

In embracing the split infinitive, writers and speakers unlock new dimensions of language, enhancing their ability to communicate with precision and flair. Understanding when and how to use this construct can enrich our writing and engage our readers with clarity and style.

As language evolves, so will the conventions that guide its use. We can navigate these changes by staying informed and flexible, employing tools like the split infinitive to craft sentences that resonate with meaning and purpose.

Further Exploration

For those eager to dive deeper into the intricacies of English, countless resources await. From comprehensive grammar guides to interactive language learning platforms, the tools at your disposal are more accessible than ever. Engage with these materials, challenge yourself with new exercises, and remain curious and open to discovery. We offer a line of comprehensive grammar and punctuation courses and feature a mastery quiz bundle to cement your further mastery of grammar and punctuation. Feel free to access the endorsed resources below to enhance your learning experience.

  • Art of Grammar Courses
    Master the art of language with our comprehensive Grammar 101/102, Punctuation 101/102, and Mastery Quiz courses. Perfect your writing skills with expert guidance and quizzes tailored to reinforce your understanding of grammar and punctuation rules.
  • Chicago Manual of Style
    Dive into the definitive guide for writers, editors, and publishers with our Chicago Manual of Style course. Explore the intricacies of citation, formatting, and language usage to elevate your writing to professional standards.
  • Garner’s Modern English Usage
    Embark on a journey through the nuances of contemporary English usage with Garner’s Modern English Usage. Delve into Bryan A. Garner’s authoritative insights to refine your language skills and master the subtleties of modern communication.
  • The AP Stylebook
    Navigate the complexities of journalistic writing with the AP Stylebook, your essential companion for media communication. Learn the rules and conventions of the Associated Press style to ensure accuracy and consistency in your news reporting and writing.
  • APA Style
    Master the standards of academic writing with the APA Style Guide, your indispensable resource for scholarly communication. Gain proficiency in citing sources, formatting manuscripts, and adhering to APA guidelines to produce polished research papers and publications.
  • Fowler’s Dictionary of Modern English Usage
    Unlock the richness of the English language with Fowler’s Dictionary of Modern English Usage, curated to refine your language precision and fluency. Delve into the timeless wisdom of H.W. Fowler’s insights to navigate contemporary language dilemmas and enhance communication skills.
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