The Art of Grammar

The Art of Grammar Docs

Among vs. Amongst


  • “Among” is a preposition that indicates being surrounded by or amid a group or collection.
    Example: “She stood among the crowd, unnoticed yet present.”


  • “Amongst” is a variant of “among” commonly used in British English and is considered archaic or formal in American English.
    Example: “The treasure lay hidden amongst the ruins of the ancient city.”

Determining Usage: A Simple Guide

  • Geographic or Physical Location
    Use “among” when referring to physical or geographic location.
    Example: “The house is nestled among the trees.”
    “Amongst” is less commonly used in this context but can still be employed with the same meaning.
    Example: “They set up camp amongst the hills.”

  • Groups or Collections
    “Among” and “amongst” can be used interchangeably for groups or collections.
    Example: “His name is listed among the winners.” / “His name is listed amongst the winners.”

Common Pitfalls and Clarifications

  • Formal vs. Informal Usage
    “Among” is the preferred choice in standard American English and is generally used in formal writing and speech.
    “Amongst” is more commonly used in British English and is considered slightly formal or archaic.
    In informal contexts or everyday conversation, “among” is typically preferred over “amongst” in American English.

  • Personal Preference
    While both terms are grammatically correct, the choice between “among” and “amongst” often boils down to personal preference, regional dialect, or stylistic considerations.
    Writers may choose “amongst” for its slightly more formal or poetic connotations, particularly in literary or artistic contexts.

Everyday Conversations

  • Casual Usage
    1. “We found ourselves among friends at the party.”
    2. “The child disappeared amongst the toys in the playroom.”

  • Formal Settings
    1. “The proposal was discussed among the board members.”
    2. “His work is highly regarded amongst scholars in the field.”

Professional and Academic Writing

  • Business Correspondence
    1. “The product stands out among its competitors in the market.”
    2. “The issue was addressed amongst the executive team during the meeting.”

  • Academic Papers
    1. “The concept is discussed among various theories in the literature.”
    2. “The findings are significant amongst studies on the topic.”
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Updated on May 14, 2024

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      • The Art of Grammar Courses
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      • Chicago Manual of Style
        Dive into the definitive guide for writers, editors, and publishers with our Chicago Manual of Style course. Explore the intricacies of citation, formatting, and language usage to elevate your writing to professional standards.
      • Garner’s Modern English Usage
        Embark on a journey through the nuances of contemporary English usage with Garner’s Modern English Usage. Delve into Bryan A. Garner’s authoritative insights to refine your language skills and master the subtleties of modern communication.
      • The AP Stylebook
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      • APA Style
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      • Fowler’s Dictionary of Modern English Usage
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