The Art of Grammar

The Art of Grammar Docs

Censor vs. Sensor

Censor: Controlling Information

Censor functions as both a noun and a verb, primarily associated with the suppression or control of information:

  • Noun Form:
    Example: “The book underwent rigorous scrutiny from the censor.”
    Refers to an official who examines and suppresses books, films, or other information deemed objectionable.

  • Verb Form:
    Example: “The government chose to censor certain parts of the documentary.”
    Describes the action of examining and suppressing information to control its dissemination.

  • Figurative Usage:
    Example: “Self-censorship can limit the expression of controversial ideas.”
    Extends beyond official channels, referring to individuals restricting their expression.

Sensor: Detecting and Measuring

Sensor, on the other hand, is a noun representing a device or organ that detects and measures physical stimuli:

  • Electronic Devices:
    Example: “Motion sensors activate the lights when someone enters the room.”
    Refers to electronic devices that detect physical changes, such as movement, temperature, or light.

  • Biological Receptors:
    Example: “The human skin is a remarkable sensor for touch and temperature.”
    Describes biological organs or receptors that perceive and transmit information about the environment.

  • Technological Applications:
    Example: “The car’s parking sensor alerted the driver to the obstacle behind.”
    Indicates devices in technology, like automobiles, that detect and provide information about the surroundings.

Strategies for Differentiation:

  • Control vs. Detection:
    Understand that censor is associated with controlling or suppressing information, while sensor relates to devices or organs that detect and measure physical stimuli.

  • Part of Speech:
    Recognize that censor can function as both a noun and a verb, emphasizing the role of controlling information, while sensor is strictly a noun referring to devices or biological organs.

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Updated on May 14, 2024

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      • Chicago Manual of Style
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      • Garner’s Modern English Usage
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      • The AP Stylebook
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      • APA Style
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      • Fowler’s Dictionary of Modern English Usage
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